at the Yogyakarta International Congregation
23 September 2012 at 5.00 pm
Reading: Luke 2:41-52
Theme: Church as Learning Community
afternoon all brothers and sisters,
is a great opportunity to meet you here as one body of Christ. Let me first
introduce myself. My name is Steve Gaspersz. It sounds like American name but
is not. I am a pastor at the Protestant Church of Maluku in Ambon, Eastern
Indonesia. This is for the first time I join in the Yogyakarta International
Congregation and standing up before you all. Thanks for the ministry board of
YIC for the invitation. I hope that we can know each other during our
conversation later on.
we learn each other about the God’s message in our biblical reading in the
Gospel of Luke chapter 2 verses 41 to 52, I would like to invite you all to
look at persons who sit surrounding you in left side, right side, back side as
well as front side, and give your sweet-charming smile, shake your hands each
other and say “God bless you!”. Please do it!
you ask questions why should we do this? What is the reason? I think those are
good questions. In my experience as a pastor, every time when I stand up before
the congregation I can see many faces with various expressions. There are sad
faces; angry faces; gloomy faces; serious faces but with empty eyes, and so on.
Of course, I can see as well many happy faces; cheerful faces; enthusiastic
faces with bright eyes, and so on. Our face express our heart-feeling even
though some people able to hide by looking as nothing happened and everything
is okay. Very often we cannot hide our problems through our face expression.
everybody has problem, including me. And instead of putting away our problems,
we are carrying those problems every minute in our life even until we sit in
church. We have been influenced by our problems and lost our joyful when we
share God’s message during the worship. We sit in the church since the
beginning of worship until the end without knowing our fellows who sit around
us in the church even unwilling to share our charming smiles.
is the basic reason why I invite you to do that before we learn about God’s
message together. Learning about God’s message is not only matter of reading
the Bible literally, hearing the pastor’s voice or seeing him/her in the
pulpit. Learning God’s message, first and foremost, is about feeling God’s
presence in our heart and hearing God’s voice precisely inside your body and
life. How can we do that? First of all, let us open our eyes around, knowing
our fellows around, and accepting them as part of your life. Because by knowing
and accepting somebody surround you in the church, we able to feel God’s
presence. That is why we need worship as a communion every Sunday.
have problems. I have problems. They have problems. But when we realize that we
sit together in the church then we believe that we are united by the God’s
Spirit and we are shared the power of God’s love which are bigger and stronger
than our problems.
God’s message has meaning as discovering the spirit of joyful while overcoming
one by one of our problems. It means that “do not say to God that you have a
big problem, but say that my God is bigger than my problem”. When the spirit of
joyful is within our life then God’s message becomes God’s power that encourage
us to face our problems, not as burden but as the opportunity to build our
Christian character as disciples of Christ. Facing our problems with the spirit
of joyful is a learning process to be a faithfully disciple of Christ. What is
the task of disciple? Only one: “learning”. Thus, the key term here is
and sisters,
chapter 4 verses 41to 52 as our biblical reading today is a good story about
learning faith. We can only read the passage in the Gospel of Luke. There are
no parallel stories in other synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and John). This story
is Luke’s story. Interestingly, in this story, Luke narrates Jesus as a “twelve
years old” boy. Well, I think you know very well what happened when we were
twelve years old, or perhaps you know quite well because you have twelve years
children. Too many questions, too many curiosities as happened to all “almost”
teenager. I call it as “almost” teenager for this is actually a liminal (in-between;
unstable) age when they are trying to determine their existence by searching
models from everywhere or from everyone by learning many things. The crucial
point in this age is that they try to be whatever they want to be out of the
parents’ control.
happened with Joseph and Marry after the Feast of the Passover in Jerusalem.
They lost Jesus but still unaware of it for they thought that Jesus is in their
company. Later on they immediately had awareness that Jesus was not with them.
We can imagine how worry was Joseph and Marry at the time. No smartphone. No
short message service (SMS). No facebook. No twitter. No google earth. No matic
motorcycle. No cars. No internet connection. They had to go back to Jerusalem
after travelled for a day. What a naughty Jesus!
and Marry looked for Jesus in each corner of the city by walk. They asked each
person about Jesus. No one knows! Eventually, after three days (!), they found
him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and
asking them questions. Awesome! Jesus was learning in the Temple. He did not
join with his peer groups for fun, drugs, or spent time for chit-chat or
gossip. Jesus decided to go to the Temple for learning something new. This
story gives us a fundamental notion that Jesus performed a concrete example
that our faith is a learning faith. As a young Jew, Jesus obeyed to his
religious tradition but at the same time he questioned his tradition by
learning in the Temple. Faith is not only about doing worship as part of church
tradition. Christian tradition or church tradition is important but more
important that we understand the meaning and how to implement the meaning of
such tradition in our daily life. That was the teen Jesus do.
his mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father
and I have been anxiously searching for you.” But we see what Jesus respond. He
replied, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my
Father’s house?” Can you imagine when your son/daughter responded your question
like that? I don’t know what you will do afterward. Can we say that Jesus
demonstrated his stubbornness and impoliteness to his parents? Surely “Yes”.
But is that the aim of the Gospel of Luke to show such stubbornness and
impoliteness of Jesus? I don’t think so for I rather would like to see it by
another angle.
actually would depict Jesus as the young boy who was trying to place himself as
an independent self. Jesus realized that he had learned much from his parents
in the family circumstance. But he also realized that it is time for him to
determine his orientation by himself and learning to take decision to be an
independent self and looking for new horizons of experience and knowledge from
and about others. And he was searching for it in the Temple. In other words,
the Temple is not only considered as the worship place in certain days or
times, but the Temple also becomes “school” or “midrash” (Hebrew) or “madrasah”
(Arabic), the place where people regardless their age, profession, sexual
orientation, educational level, cultural background, ethnicity, and so on,
gather for sharing knowledge and experience to strengthen their faith as well
as their understanding on religious tradition.
phrase “I had to be in my Father’s house” actually is the theological
standpoint of the Gospel of Luke. Luke emphasizes that Jesus learned in the
Temple not merely as a cognitive exercise but he knows that in the Temple his
faith is strengthened through learning each other. Learning process implies
continuity and discontinuity as Jesus did. He wants to continue his learning
action by discontinuing his relationship with his parents. The only aim is to
understand more and more about his Father’s will. “Father’s will” is a new
realm for the young Jesus. That is the reason Jesus feels he should be in his
Father’s house.
and sisters,
believe that the church is a symbol of the body of Christ and we are the
community of faith in Christ. But our faith, as Jesus shown, is a learning
faith. Learning for what? For discovering God’s message in our experiences, in
our traditions, in our works, in our daily life, in our friendships, in our
families, in our studies, in our sorrows, in our happiness, in everything. The
Bible provides us theological direction that our experiences are the field
where God cultivate God’s wisdom. By the God’s wisdom we know how to respect
our life, how to appreciate our fellows, how to understand the great values of
life as the God’s gift.
discovering God’s wisdom in our life it does not mean that our problems will
disappear automatically or in miraculous ways. No. Instead, God’s wisdom opens
our mind and burning our spirit to find solution which is no longer based on
our self-centered willingness but on the basis of new insights, new motivations,
and new hopes.
we are going to step in a new week, seven days with five work days. We know
nothing about tomorrow even though we have a lot of plans to do. We still have
some unfinished problems in our works, our family life, our relationships with
others, and so on. Today our biblical reading encourages us that our problems
should be viewed as part of learning process to be a disciple of Christ. There
is of course continuity and discontinuity in that process. However, precisely
within the learning process God opens our mind and heart to find ways out.
story in our passage today tells us that our pray is important in church; our
worship in church is important; our communion in church is important as well.
But mostly important is we believe and we understand that those are only small
parts of our learning faith; we should open our mind and our heart to receive
God’s wisdom through our life experiences. Our living experience is liturgy of
life where dialogue between us and God takes place. It means that we are
becoming church as learning faith community seeking for God’s will through our
daily life experience.
learn not only for the benefit of ourselves. We learn to be a disciple of
Christ who really understands God’s calling for us. As Jesus said “I had to be
in my Father’s house”. Where is the Father’s house? I would say as my Christian
faith that our world, our works, our family, our relationship to others, these
are our Father’s house. Father’s creation where all creature lives in. It means
that we live in our Father’s house here in the earth, not somewhere in the sky
called heaven, with responsibilities; not to destroy or to make it mess but to
maintain; not to conflict each other but living together with respect to
such responsibilities are waiting for us during the next week. Don’t be worry.
Keep your faith and still learning to strengthen our faith through every
problem we have. Let us see what God will do for us! Open your heart and your
whole life to receive abundantly God’s blessing in your life. Amen.