UKIM has a wonderful time for doing conversation with the Center for Education and Training, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. Along with the institution there are 10 Afghanistan diplomats who are willing to listen to Ambon experiences during the conflict in the past as well as sharing their stories from Afghanistan.
This group is led by Dr. Yayan G.H. Mulyana, the head of Center for Education and Training MFA-RI. He delivers an introduction about the visitation program and its participants as well as the reason for selecting two universities on Ambon Island (UKIM and IAIN Ambon) to be learning partners to understand the conflict resolution strategies. Professor Bob Mose, a member of the University Foundation of GPM, conveys his welcoming remarks on behalf of the Rector of UKIM. The MFA-RI officially asked me to present some perspectives about Maluku conflict that could be a lesson learned for the Afghanistan diplomats how the Moluccans struggled to overcome the conflict, created peace-building strategies, and vice versa they shared the contemporary political situation they are facing in Afghanistan nowadays.
There is only one female diplomat in this group. She depicts the women's struggle in the Afghanistan society to get their civil rights for equality in public sphere such as education, workplace, governance structure, etc. Two Moluccan Muslim females who are the faculty member of UKIM, and three female students response to her by sharing barely differences about main issues faced by the Indonesian/Moluccan women.
Special thanks for Dr. Dicky Sofjan. For our Afghanistan brothers and sister, thanks for visiting our campus UKIM and sharing with us. Peace be with you.
Saturday, 20 July 2019
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